Thread: Cabdelas
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Old 10-16-2009, 05:38 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Candelas

Sitting on my back porch, half way through my first don tomas candela out of a fiver i picked up a few days ago. The cigar in one word: green. Everything about it, the taste, the look, the aroma. Not bad at all though, and even though its mild there is still a decent amount of complexity to the stick, sweet with tastes or grass and banana but with a nice soft background spice that makes it downright enjoyable.At less than $2 a stick I really can't complain. I can't see this becoming a regular smoke, but I am liking the one I've got. I might post an official review later. Just wondering if anyone else out there has tried candelas before? And whats your general opinion of these incredible hulk look-alikes?

Last edited by Uflbassin; 10-16-2009 at 05:50 PM.
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