I really like to do my beans under the butt like that. One thing that I didn't mention is that I cut way back on the salt that I use in the beans. I have enough salt in my run that drips off the butt that it makes the beans way too salty if I don't. But I really like the flavor my "butt drippins'" give my beans
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol
Made this yesterday as a birthday gift to a friend. I started it at 9:00 PM, refilled the charcoal at 5:00 AM and finished the 8 LB Butt around 10:30. The Boston baked beans finished around 11:30 AM with overnight soaked Navy beans. This is my first time cooking beans under the butt and it worked well. There's enough juice and fat to cook the beans uncovered! I trimmed a little off the butt and put in the beans at start. Quite happy with the results with both.
I used Kingsford Competition with about 10 cinamon sticks and about 5 chunks of local applewood.