Originally Posted by JJG
It's true. like it or not, the band is sort of the first impression you get from a cigar you haven't smoked before. It may even have a subconscious impact on our enjoyment of a cigar. However, bands are a really bad criteria to base your buying decisions on. There are tons of great cigars with hideous bands. This has been discussed in detail here. Taboo for example. If I had never heard of them, I can say almost certainly I would skip over these in the store based on the name and bands alone. I hate to admit it, but it's true!
We plan to redesign the band as soon as we are done with our current project. We are going to be launching a new website soon! (auction, reviews and more) I agree with you, I think we have a very ugly band. If we held an ugliest band contest, I think we would win.