Thread: WOW
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Old 10-11-2009, 08:44 PM   #1
Here Franky Franky
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Default WOW

Just had my first Opus X in over a year and it was utterly amaxing.

Last time I had one it was bitter and had a tight traw which turned me off, and given the price point and the fact that I can rarely get ahold of one, I didn't smoke anymore for a while.

I recieved one (the corona size) from a generous BOTL on another forum and finally sparked it tonight. It was nothing less than perfect -a strong, spicy, yet smooth and refined smoke. I really enjoyed every minute of it and nubbed it till my fingers were on fire in freezing weather no less!

Glad I gave these another chance, and definatly gotta smoke these more. Sux I can't get them more often!

Just had to share an awesome experience with you guys (and gals). Kudos to Fuente!

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