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Old 10-09-2009, 01:16 PM   #30
CA Scott #2658
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Default Re: I am looking at a DSLR Camera

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 View Post

Just a note about this, please take everything Ken Rockwell says with an extremely large grain of salt since he's the biggest fan boy for whatever happens to be either the latest and greatest or his current obsession. He's not taken particularly seriously by anyone in the real photography world so I certainly wouldn't take his word or reviews as gospel. There's some decent information on his site but taking it too seriously would be like going to Jeremy Clarkson for a serious review of a car you might actually buy.
I take pretty much everything in life with a grain of salt. I use rockwell's site for more of a reference point. he does a fairly good job from what i can see about listing whats coming out and whats alraedy out. Also its a easy to read format on manufacturer specs and things of that nature. as far as his test and things, i dont pay attention to them 85% of the time.
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