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Old 10-08-2009, 01:44 PM   #13
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Default Re: I am looking at a DSLR Camera

Originally Posted by Chemyst View Post
I occasionally look at getting a new DSLR, to replace
my 8MP Nikon Prosumer (Coolpix 8800).

There are two things that I'm looking for:

1) at LEAST double the number of pixels (16MP)

2) a full 24mm X 36mm sensor, to make use of
previously owned Nikon 35mm AF glass.

The Coolpix is nice, but won't make anything larger
than an OK 11X14, or a nice 8X10.

I understand that Nikon does have a full sized sensor
line, now. Good. I think it's the DX line. Not sure.

It would be nice to be able to afford Photoshop, and
learn it thoroughly, too. But, Adobe wants too much $$$$.
My entire wet darkroom didn't cost what Adobe wants
for just the current version of CS4 Design Premium. Sheesh.

I think anything of 10MP is almost overkill. Unless im printing posters for a living ive never came close to needing a 12+MP camera. So long as im shooting ISO 100-200 its always pretty clear when blown up.

I think the megapixel race between the companies got way out of hand way to quick. People will see a 6MP D40 and think their 12MP Point and Shoot will give them better pictures...... Its sad walking into an electronic store and seeing that most of the people there are just comparing MPs
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