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Old 10-08-2009, 11:33 AM   #6
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Michael Jordan threatened with fine for smokin

Completely ridiculous, if you ask me. I can partially understand it if there is an issue with people littering the courses with cigar and cigarette butts. But I rarely see courses littered with cigar butts. It is fresh, open air, and I know many golfers who smoke (cigarettes and cigars). California is going off the deep end with their laws and regulations. I am so sick of our government trying to enact laws to protect us from ourselves. It's beyond getting ridiculous. If I had the money, I'd go out there and play, making sure that I was smoking a cigar on every hole of the course, along with an entire day's worth of golfers. After, I'd just make sure that I or anyone else I know never plays that course again. F'in arseholes!
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