Thanks for the suggestions so far - you guys seem to be leading me in the direction I'd hoped.
@Sauer Grapes
Blonde ales, eh? I'll have to look around. Thanks for the suggestion.
I think you've nailed my taste, as I do like Paulaner and remember their Oktoberfest Maerzen being pretty good, so I think I might have to hunt down some of this Fuller's ESB. I've heard much about Samuel Smith - what say you, beer sage? I've heard the Spaten Oktoberfest come up many times too, so that's now solidly on my radar. This Harpoon Oktoberfest sounds worth a shot as well. I've written down your other suggestions on my list
14% ABV! That is definitely worth a shot

I've heard of Chimay, so I'll keep that one in mind as well, and Hoegaarden is easy to find here in Denver, so that should be one of the next to get as well, after the Oktoberfests.
I'll have to try to find some Pliny the Elder too - I like the idea of the citrusy aspect to the hops. If Daveco Liquors doesn't have it, it hasn't made it this side of the Mississippi!
If only! Problem is being landlocked in the middle of the New World - hard to find good bitter, especially since it's best served on tap, and even better when you payed your first born son for a pint on the island where it was brewed!
Woo...sounds like I've got some shopping to do. So many beers, so few hands!