Tis the season, so I would point you in the Oktoberfest direction. A maltier lager that you might enjoy:
Paulaner and
Spaten are German brewed, and relatively easy to find (not sure where you are...) this time of year. For an American version, I really like
Harpoon's Oktoberfest.
In the British ale category, I prefer
Fuller's to Bass. I particularly like
Fuller's ESB--one of the best beers I've ever had, and I've had quite a few.

Sticking with American Ales, you might want to sample
Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale or
Harvest Ale--more balanced and fruity than their IPAs, might be a better fit for your prefered taste profile. A few East Coast breweries make awesome
Brown Ales: Dogfish Head and
Legends (right here in Richmond,) are two of the best in my book.
The one American brewery that probably makes the best beer to fit your profile would be
Brooklyn Brewery. I'd suggest sampling a few of their different offerings.
Good luck!