The Slope...
*imported from somewhere else*
Yesterday my cousin I were chillin and he ses "Lets go smoke a cigar!"
I was like "Hell yeah!"
I then asked "what decade?"
he ses "are u serious?"
I say "YuP!
he then asks "WHO DID THIS TO YOU?"
So my question to you guys: Who Pushed You Down the Slope? dosent matter which slope im just curious whos generosity was it. As for me it was Poker who gave me my first Davidoff and Club Epicure (yes my pallet wasnt ready for it). Goatlocker gave me my first sources... Cigarflip showed me the 98s and from there 90s to the 80s and the 70s; yes i know im doomed...
A Person that says something cant be done, shouldn't interrupt me actually EFFing doing it!