Originally Posted by Cigary
Try this Red. I had one of these I bought 10 years ago and it works great. Bought another one of these 2 years ago and left it in San Diego and it is the same type of purifier and I was able to smoke in the condo and this machine took care of the smoke and any odor.
He's on the right track with that one, that's basically exactly what you need. Mom's had a few "Alpine" air purifiers kicking around the house for years since a brief stint trying to sell them. Crap company (MLM), BUT AWESOME product. It's basically the same thing, and I honestly don't think there's much of a difference other than the price

To clean out the smoke cloud, you need IONS (you can literally watch it cut a swath through the smoke in front of it). Ozone can be used to eliminate the odor, but its a gradual thing. If you want it to work faster, you can turn it up and leave the room. Its the exact same stuff that a lightning storm generates, and is one of the reasons the air smells to "clean" afterwards... but in high doses its not so good for ya, so just step out of the room if your gonna turn it up.
(and when you get tired of odor anywhere else in your life, just plug that machine in. Friend was recently selling his car, but couldnt get a VERY entrenched dog smell out of it. 36 hours with the windows up and that machine plugged in and the car smelled like it came from a dealer)
That machine on ebay seems to have it all, and for a damned cheap price if it works as good as the $400-$700 units I've used. Go for it, there is NO better solution.