Originally Posted by dvickery
might be "plume"...
i never ever got mine wet...like wyobob i found the best method was to put wet florists foam in the cooler for a week or so when moisture is/was required...saturates the smokes and beads and no mold ever.
Indirect filling of the beads is the best.
I have never dunked or sprayed my beads to fill them. I keep the beads in tied-off woman's nylons. When RH in my humis drops a couple percent I place a wet (NOT dripping) anti-microbial sponge (such as o cello brand) into the humidor. The water evaporates from the sponge and the beads soak it up and fill. A great thing about indirect filling is that you don't need to use distilled water; all the impurities remain in the sponge.