Re: Are cuban cigars really the best?
I know that this question is kicked around every so often. But, it is an interesting question for me right now.
Smoked CC almost exclusively for the past 2 years ... exploring what the diifferent marcas had to offer. Decided to revisit some of my old favorite NCs this past summer. I enjoyed the return and found that I still enjoy many of the cigars I used to like. In fact, I even recently ordered the first NCs I've bought in a long time (a couple of 5ers of some Tats and Cabaiguan).
There are some good NCs .... they're just different than CCs. Are CCs better? IMHO I'd have to say that CCs are richer and smoother. And, I've never found a NC that has that hard to describe CC twang. I won't go so far as to say that this makes them better ... just different.
A year ago, I would have had to say that CCs are better, hands down, no question. Now, even though I still reach for a CC most of the time, I still like the NCs I'm smoking and they will have a place in humidor.