Thread: Oh, No!!!!!
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Old 09-19-2009, 05:23 AM   #40
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Default Re: Oh, No!!!!!

Originally Posted by gui_tarzan View Post
I had GERD for 15 years Greg, whatever you do don't let this go. I was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus in 2000 and had surgery to tighten up a weak stomach sphincter valve that December. That stuff will tear up your pipes, get into your lungs and just make life miserable. At my five year checkup and scope my doc said there was no sign of Barrett's anymore. Whew!

I went without heartburn for nine years and started having bad attacks again this summer so I went back to see him. An xray shows I have a minor hiatal hernia opening up again so I'm back on the Prilosec which is working very well.

Take care of yourself!
Thanks for the advice, Brother, and stay healthy yourself!
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