Re: Oh, No!!!!!
GERD sufferer here, too. Having had reflux, you can discover small things that the rest of the world might not pick up on, such as the taste of stomach acid, how to sound like that guy who used to do movie intros without intending to, the fact that if you eat enough Rolaids you will be constipated.
Protonix, Prilosec, Nexium... There are several acid pump inhibitors that do a truly wonderful job on it and approach the problem from a completely different angle than what our parents had to deal with this problem. It was transformative for me. I'm not normally a big fan of a lot of pills, but they can make your life much, much easier. If you can find a natural remedy that works for you fine, but these are wonder drugs so far as I am concerned. Long-term acid reflux can lead to increased incidence of cancers in the upper GI tract, so I wouldn't monkey around with fixing it.
“If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride, and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.” - Paul W. Bryant