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Old 09-16-2009, 05:46 PM   #31
Mr B
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Default Re: What was the cigar that started it all for you

About 3 years ago a customer of mine sent me a Macanudo Hampton Court Tubo that I liked very much. However he also included an unbanded CC that was out of this world.
I started getting samplers form JR until I found ones I liked. My first box was a 10pk of the MAC Hampton Courts. Then the Don Diego Privada No1 Maduros, then the Mac Gold Shakespears. I thought I was in love w/ Mild Dominicans and Maduros. That is until I started branching out.
Oh, the Nic's, oh the Hondurans Oh the CC's oh oh oh etc.
Then I found all the sites to buy from, OMG I need a bigger Humi.
Now its Screw the Humi's, get more Tupperdores. More, more more
I Love it.
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