Hi and Welcome to CA!
Im still a newb to smoking as well but this site is insane on what you'll learn and the brotherhood it is in this hobby.
Some noteable threads I found helpful
Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Cigar Smoking Technique
What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
A Basic Humidor Buying Guide
Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Those have helped me over the time in just reading through.
As far as starting out smokes, my friends started me out (and got me hooked on them as well) on Ashton VSG. Great smoke regardless of experience from what I can gather.
Size wise, I personally still prefer robusto size (5x50ish) and being a complete non-smoker up untill about a year ago, its all I can do to take out one of the larger 6.5" sticks and finish it.