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Old 09-03-2009, 06:07 PM   #9
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Default Re: ODB-II Scanner Options

Originally Posted by RGD. View Post
I'm not sure that you can have both - so pick either the best or the most economical.

Auto Enginuity is what I have. It's not cheap - but it is amongst the best out there - if not the best. Very easy to use and will supply way more information than you could ever want. I have the laptop version, full Ford module.

I first got the program after being involved in the Diesel forum communities. Not only will it tell me every thing about my truck down to exactly how much fuel is in my tank - but will run tests on my glow plugs, injectors, etc etc. Has a whole set of key on/key off tests.

As far as I am concerned it's been worth every penny. And oh yeah - since my whole family drives Fords - I'm pretty well set.

I have this one, also with the Ford package. It gets very expensive if you want complete control of many makes of vehicles. The basic version is relatively inexpensive and will read all the standard systems on almost anything.

There are a great many basic scan tools and software packages. There are a lot of professional tools too. It depends on how far you want to take it. I like the AE a lot.
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