Originally Posted by ActionAndy
Hello again my friend,
It seems to me that God changes his mind a lot. He used to flatten cities with meteors and now he doesn't seem to be paying attention. I know about the "mysterious ways," but do your texts offer any explanations for this sort of thing? I guess I'm asking why God seems to get "nicer" if you read about him... lol
Great question...
It is not that G-d, Heaven forbid, changes His mind, but the world rather has evolved on some level and people have changed it.
For instance, a pivitol point in the existance of the world was the advent of Avraham (Abraham) the first Jew. In Jewish mysticism, he is exemplified by the attribute of Supreme Kindness - welcoming guests, dealing with the tests G-d threw at him, saving his wicked brother in law... etc. Most of the destruction mentioned in the Torah occurred before he was around, and even when G-d wanted to destroy Sodom & Gemorrah, he acted on their behalf, to try and save them. After Avraham, people become more civilized with the advant of the "One-G-d" belief system started and encouraged by Avraham, encouraging blessing & thanking the True One G-d for food, etc... After this we rarely find any whole cities destroyed from Above.
Even after Noach (Noah), generations before Avraham, G-d makes a pact not to destroy the world again, and Noach becomes the progenitor for the human race. Humanity is given a great gift - the 7 Noahide Laws (7 Mitzvahs Bnei Noach) The people are less evil after this, less idol-worship etc.
So G-d's actions in this world, parrallel those of the people. As more and more people dropped idolatry, started keeping the 7 Mitzvahs, setting up court systems, believing in One G-d etc...
Until the giving of the Torah to Moshe, generations later, finally giving the ability to bring Heaven down to earth and rectifying creation.
I could go on, so if you need more, I got it. I hope this helps!!