Originally Posted by Darrell
I think he was referring to Clay having Tig put a bullet in Donna's head thinking it was Opie. I do however think it could possibly be in reference to Jax's dad.
They have pretty well established that John Teller died several days after being hit by a truck. Now... he could be using the "bullet" in a generic sense - as if he was thinking about being taken out like we assume his father was...
But I don't think Jax has gone there yet... don't think he is questioning his dad's death - yet. Will probably happen by end of this season as a lead in to year 3. Sutter does make reference to the fact that Jax is "Hamlet" to Clay's "King Claudius."
I did find it interesting to find out that:
According to an interview with Kurt Sutter, the pilot episode was entirely shot with actor Scott Glenn in the role of Clay Morrow. After deciding to go in a different direction with the character, the role was re-cast with Ron Perlman and Clay's scenes were re-shot.