Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe
Looks like they find some way to suppress it... at least to begin the season. You know it will have to boil over soon, though. They will be distracted by the white separatists initially, but it will have to fracture at some point.
Yeah, initially the skin heads are going to be the center of attention. However, I think **** will hit the fan by the end of the season and they will leave us for a year waiting for season 3 to start.
Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe
They are making it sound like Opie will be siding with Clay - don't know if that is with or without the knowledge of what really happened with Donna. 
Really? I must have missed something because I don't get that feeling at all. Opie and Jax are best buddies and Piney has to have told Opie what really went down.