Re: Electrician question?
The new use of the arc faults is a good thing for new homes.It will help with fires and stuff. I got a chance to play with them in some high end homes.
I wouldn't dare try to put them in a house wired already.
To the OP. If you are worried about this electrical work you might want to think about looking at other homes. I don't know if you have a pending offer on this place , but its a thought. You can tell your realtor to see if he or she can find places with an better electrical system.
I don't know how much money or if any the owner will take off the house price. Its still worth a shot to see if they will take less.
If your going to spend money on having an electrician come by and upgrade your service to 100 amp and ground all or some plugs its going to add some more money to the mix.
Where I live service changes go for about $2,000.00 just alone.
I.B.E.W LOCAL # 617