Originally Posted by flat6nut
Wow! Recieved your letter yesterday Scott. I can not express how happy it made me to think that I was missed. Pretty cool.
I have been super busy, I have only looked at the PC maybe 4 times in the last month. With the news that it will cost me $7,000+ to repair my car I have been trying to raise a little more extra money. I have also been going to the gym every day after work. Issues with my ex wife and trying to get child support stopped (my daugher has been living with me for a year and will not be going back to her moms), she is turning 16 on Sept 1st.
Over all its just been a very busy month and a half. I have tons of pictures to share from the job site. It has come a long way. Although it has been hot and not the best weather to smoke outdoors, I still have some cigars smoked to share...to include some CC's gifted to me by Hotreds.
Headed to Winterhaven shortly for the rest of the weekend, but I promise to update soon with some pictures.
Great to hear from ya bro. I know sending a letter via the USPS would let ya know we miss ya!!
Heck dude, $7000 to repair a car, you can buy two previously owned cars for that.
We need to get together and herf bro!