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Old 08-27-2009, 05:22 PM   #3
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Default Re: For Canadians Ordering from Overseas

Originally Posted by canucks6024 View Post
And a secondary one, do you know if it's true that Canada Customs keeps a tab on addresses and people who they have caught before (a red flag)???
I'm not Canadian, but I still think that I can say with some confidence that no customs anywhere in the world would keep such a list, unless you get a container shipped to you several times a week. Given the amount of parcels flying back and forth in these days, that kind of a list would grow very big very fast. Still, I do know for a fact that Finnish customs do have some retailers (mainly on-line alcohol retailers) flagged, but I've never, ever heard of some private person on the receiving side being flagged.

And it's not like you're doing anything illegal, as long as you're paying the taxes for the parcels that you accept, so why would they bother giving you any "special treatment"?
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