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Old 08-27-2009, 03:30 PM   #27
The Poet
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Default Re: Megan Fox to Play Catwoman

Originally Posted by BFallehy View Post
I am all for this as long as they keep Christian Bale off the screen as much as possible.
He plays Bruce Wayne like a robot and everytime he speaks as batman it sounds like he is hacking up a furball.
Micheal Keaton was the best batman ever.
You are certainly entitled to an opinion, but I could not disagree more. Just as I really like the direction Daniel Craig has taken Bond, I like the new darker Batman best. The Batman is a tortured soul, a loner, a vigilante outside the law, and has no sense of humor or irony. To think that Keaton, Kilmer, or Clooney captured that essence is - IMHO - as ludicrous as saying Adam West did too. Just my .

And now, back to your regularly scheduled leering at Megan Fox.
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