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Old 08-25-2009, 01:10 PM   #15
formerly illinoishoosier
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Default Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football

Hey gang

Just wanted to post up a little bit about how I run the draft. Not planning on running it til next week so you've got some time.

Anywho, I usually post the day/time that I will set the draft to ready. Yahoo then puts us in their que and runs the draft for us. Now, I've seen it run in an hour and I've seen it take two days, you can never be sure.

One of the problems I had in my league was "draft squatters". These were people, who (no longer get invites to my league), would literally hit refresh on the roster page until the draft hit, then go out and snag players before the rest of us even knew what happened. Some of us work, don't stay up 24 hours, etc.

To combat this, I lock the teams when I set the draft to "Ready". What this means is, you cannot do any roster activity while your are locked. you can post smack, but no trades, free agents etc.

When the draft is complete, I will post the date/time that I will unlock the teams and then it's a free for all. I will run some times by you guys so that we can accomodate as many as we can. I would anticipate sometime Labor Day weekend.

Any questions? Ask away!
"Maybe I'm wrong, when they tell me they're right…..naaaaahhhhhh, I'm an asshooooooleeee"--Denis Leary
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