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Old 08-19-2009, 08:01 AM   #6
Hibbidy Jibbidy
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Default Re: Fun times on Sunday

Originally Posted by Starchild View Post
Ouch!! Did the caliper bolts just come loose or what?
I couldn't get a good enough look at the damage to say. It was pouring rain and by the time I got over to the shop the next day, they already had it taken apart. I've gotta drop by there later today to see if they have an answer for me on that.

I'm glad traffic was no heavier than it was, b/c i was in the far left lane running about 75 and had to come accross 3 lanes to get to the shoulder.

What really made me nervous was that about 20 minutes after I had been sitting there in my friend's car behind mine, there was an accident on the other side of the interstate from where my car was... so not only did I have to worry about the "accidental" someone swerving off the road, but now, onlookers and such trying to look at the wreck on the other side of the interestate and not paying attention to the cars in front of them.

Everything worked out though and everyone is safe... even the people in the wreck on the other side of the road.
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