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Old 08-13-2009, 01:51 PM   #13
formerly illinoishoosier
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Default Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football

Originally Posted by ade06 View Post
1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo
4. Gargoyle/Cleveland Cremosas
5. Wyguy/Minnesota Mistakes
6. tenbaseg/Vandelay Industries
7. kaisersozei/Smokin' Hotties
8. BryanB/Bench Jake
9. jquirit/Hawaii Poi Pounders
10.Ade06/Philly Beatdown

We are full. Take time to read all the settings and stuff.

One helpful hint. When looking at the list of players, you can sort by Fantasy Points for last year. These points correspond to MY scoring system not Yahoo's. So it will show you how players ranked in my league previously, which is good to know. Since the #1 guy was a DEFENSIVE player.
"Maybe I'm wrong, when they tell me they're right…..naaaaahhhhhh, I'm an asshooooooleeee"--Denis Leary
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