What the hell, I said, after reading Andy's thread looking for a league, let's start another one!
So here it is, another FFL.
3 stick buy in, NCs.
Winner takes all (I don't have playoffs set up in this league)
I am using settings from my regular league for this one, so they are pretty much written in stone.
Here are the particulars:
SettingValueLeague ID#:545942League Name:Cigar Asylum 3Password:puffhatersDraft Type:Autopick Draft Max Teams:10Scoring Type:Head-to-Head Start Scoring on:Week 1 Can't Cut List Provider:None Max Moves:No maximum Max Acquisitions per Week:No maximum Max Trades:No maximum Trade Reject Time:2 Trade End Date:November 20, 2009 Trade Review:League Votes Waiver Time:1 day Waiver Type:Continual rolling list Weekly WaiversNone Post Draft Players:Free Agents Playoffs:None Divisions:No Playoff Seeding Options:Division winners awarded top playoff seeds Roster Positions:QB, WR, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, W/R, K, D, D, DB, DB, DL, DL, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN Fractional Points:Yes Negative Points:Yes
OffenseLeague ValueYahoo! Default ValuePassing Yards50 yards per point25 yards per pointPassing Touchdowns64Interceptions-2-1Sacks-10Rushing Yards20 yards per point10 yards per pointRushing Touchdowns6Receptions10Reception Yards20 yards per point10 yards per pointReception Touchdowns6Return Yards20 yards per point0Return Touchdowns62-Point Conversions2Fumbles-10Fumbles Lost-2Offensive Fumble Return TD6KickersLeague ValueYahoo! Default ValueField Goals 0-19 Yards3Field Goals 20-29 Yards3Field Goals 30-39 Yards3Field Goals 40-49 Yards4Field Goals 50+ Yards5Field Goals Missed 0-19 Yards-50Field Goals Missed 20-29 Yards-40Field Goals Missed 30-39 Yards-30Field Goals Missed 40-49 Yards-20Field Goals Missed 50+ Yards-10Point After Attempt Made1Point After Attempt Missed-10Defensive PlayersLeague ValueYahoo! Default ValueTackle Solo21Tackle Assist10.5Sack32Interception23Fumble Force2Fumble Recovery2Defensive Touchdown6Safety2Pass Defended1Block Kick2
I would open up to 12 if the demand is there, but for now, we stick with 10.
List your user name/team name.
1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo
Once the league is full, I will post draft time. It is an autopick draft, which means you set your draft order, Yahoo does the rest.
When I set the draft, I lock all teams to prevent anyone from "draft squatting" and snagging available players at 2 in the morning while the rest of the world sleeps.
I will post date and time for the unlocking and then you can swap players, trade etc.
Any questions? Good. As I tell my managers every year we play, ":If you don;t like my rules, start your own damn league!
Good luck!