Originally Posted by St. Lou Stu
sounds like your ready to start a side bidness
For future reference, don't take the inner (piston side) pad off. Use it to clamp on and apply pressure to both pistons at once compressing them both back home all at once.
Don't ya love time saving tips after the fact? 
All I did is used my big wood clamps to draw back the caliper enough to pull it off the pad assembly. The padd assmbly stayed laying on the rotor. That took three seconds.
The caliper compression deal only took ten seconds.
The big slow down in the whole deal was that both my 3/8 and 1/2 Craftsman wratchets are shot. I fought with them the whole way.
I will be going to Sears to have them replaced today.
Maybe right now, as a matter of fact.
I have to get some ice on, eat some more pills, apply my tens unit, and do some praying first cause my back is trying to kill me and if they give me any sh!t at Sears I'm likely to have some sort of philosophical disagreement that ends up with bloodshed and jail time.