Originally Posted by tchariya
I was looking at expanding to those Sterlite containers. What I wonder is, what affect the sunlight has on sticks that might not be kept in their boxes. Also sunlight (direct or indirect) might heat up the containers.
Man...it looks like you can open up shop and start selling!!!!
The following

is IMO and gained from personal experience-
Ambient room temps stable within 5deg should not cause concern when storing in a non-insulated container.
Primary concern is maintaining a stable RH within the container.
Untable RH can indicate a poor seal on the container, swings in temp, or in the case of cigars just recently purchased or transported- cigars that need to stablize in their new storage environment.
Key word is STABILITY
Direct sunlight on to the storage container is not desireable for any type of storage container (humidor, cooler, frig-a-dor, clear container, etc), but especially non-insulated containers, because it can affect the internal storage temp quickly causing temps and RH to become unstable, typically very high.
Warm/Hot air holds more moisture = High RH.
When temperature is unstable the RH is also going to fluctuate.
Indirect sunlight, or sunlight filtered through shades or curtains, can also affect the ambient temps in the room, generally more slowly, and thus cause more gradual temp and RH swings within the storage container.
- Insulated containers can reduce, slow, or even eliminate the temp swing within the container when the ambient temp is not stable.
Direct sunlight on to un-boxed cigars stored in clear containers would be the last of your worries.
- The temp swings and high RH from direct sunlight on to the storage container would kill the cigars long before the UV from direct sunlight shining through a clear container directly on single sticks would create problems to the cigar wrapper or tobacco.
Treat them like the prized Art possessions that they are.
- Just like you would keep a collectable painting or tapestry out of the direct sunlight and control humidity and temp swings.
I'm located in Las Vegas- 115deg outside temps and desert dry RH.
I keep the windows shades open, don't allow direct sunlight on any humidors or storage boxes, and I control the room temp with a separate AC.
- Do not allow the AC to blow directly on the storage boxes or any desktop humidors.
My storage temps and RH are rock steady @ 67deg and 65RH
As far as:
Originally Posted by tchariya
Man...it looks like you can open up shop and start selling!!!!
I have almost 1000qts of storage full

- Used for long-term and medium-term storage of multiple boxes
I use my 4 desktop humidors for regular rotation.