<snip>The report says the cab fare was $13.80 and the Kanes handed the driver $15. He claims he had only $1 change and was not in possession of another twenty cents to give back. According to the police report, both Kanes took their money back and punched the cabbie in the face and head.
Kane, a Buffalo native, had attended a press conference with the mayor to announce funding for a local rink earlier in the evening.
[soapbox mode]
What bothers me about this whole report are the 2 paragraphs above.
Here you have a 20 year old kid, who makes how many millions on his NHL contract each year, getting violent over a lousy .20? I say "kid", because it's apparent that he hasn't got the maturity of my 16 year old son yet.
Regardless of how you feel about tipping people, is it worth to punch someone over .20? He probably had enough money in his wallet to buy the friggin cab! If you're a cheap bastage, take the dang dollar bill back from the guy and get out of his cab! Instead, they take all their money back, punch the guy and leave him sitting there, bleeding. Geez, it's a cab, not a hockey arena!
I'm sure they will plead that they were drunk or hungover, after partying all night. And they will probably both get a slap on the wrist and some community service.
This whole incident disgusts me!

[/soapbox mode]