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Old 08-09-2009, 12:49 PM   #11
I Cut Like a Buffalo
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Default Re: Patrick Kane Arrested

Originally Posted by Sauer Grapes View Post
Yeah, wouldn't a tip of $1.20, or even just $0.20 have been assumed by the clients.

Of course, I never understood why cabbies should get tipped. I mean, you are tipping them for doing their job by driving you around, which you are also paying them for. By all means, tip the guy if your bags are extra heavy, if someone in your group is being an ass, if someone throws up in the car (tip a whole lot), etc, but I hate that you have to tip for something you are paying them for already.
Not sure I follow this logic. Cabbies, I believe, pay for their own gas and generally dont own the car they are driving. Furthermore, if you're drunk or in need of a ride they are doing you a service by taking you some place and getting you there as quickly as they can (if they are being honest). If you have this mentality then why tip a waiter, barber, pizza delivery guy, parking attendant etc, they are just doing their job as well.
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