Thread: New pet coming
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Old 08-07-2009, 12:53 AM   #6
Genetic Defect
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Default Re: New pet coming

Originally Posted by Savor the Stick View Post
As a past breeder of Labrador Retrievers (nothing to do with Beagles) I would always recommend crate training a new addition to the family. Not only for the family's benefit but for the animals.

pro for the dog: his/her castle, his/her domain...the dog cave. The crate is their refuge.

pro for the family: if done correctly the dog is not traumatized when left alone. house training is very easy. The crate should be just big enough for the dog to lay down stretched out. My dogs loved their crates and would have free run of the house but mostly chose to sleep and relax in their crate. Never use the crate as punishment, when in their crate the dog is never forcefully removed.

Also everyone trains the dog the same the dog doesn't get confused. Establish alpha Dog leadership right away, training helps with this. If the dog is old enough to learn potty training, then start on simple commands....NO, Come, Sit, Stay.

You will never be able to out love your dog. Enjoy!

Oh if your Beagle is outdoors he or she WILL dig. It is what they do.
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