I'm back!
The wedding went well except for a little rain and high winds!
Anyway, I'm happy to see some of the folks we bombed received their cigars while I was gone. There is NOTHING better than helping others.
Our Taboo shipment is in customs and we will have more Taboo Twist, HSG and SFO/BC's available soon. I will send out emails as soon as we are ready to start selling them. We will fill all pre-paid orders first and then put a portion of the remaining inventory on our website. You can sign up on our email list on our home page. DON'T forget to confirm your subscription so you don't miss our emails. (you should get a confirmation email immediately) I expect to sell out some of the sizes/blends the first few days we have them available.
I appreciate all of you that support us at taboocigars.com!
Thanks for all the reputation bumps and all the wedding congrats I received.
I have a ton of work to get caught up before the shipment gets here. I will post in the Retail section and send emails soon.
Have a wonderful day and thank to all of our customers at Cigar Asylum!