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Old 07-30-2009, 04:47 PM   #223
Crazy like a fox
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Default Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade


I call it the ebay effect. I will be the first to admit that while the majority of my feedback is accurate, I have left positive feedback for people who have not lived up to their end of the deal. I have never been screwed to the point where I recieved nothing, but I have had 2-3 week delayed shipping, received blind trade sticks well below par, etc, etc. I ignore the problems in fear that they will also leave poor feedback for me. I think this is a wider problem. It would honestly take theft to get me to leave negetive feedback which luckily has not happened to me. I believe people like Dan have warning signs well before they finish taking peoples money.

As far as the use of the thread, we are in agreement which is why I tried (maybe foolishly) to change its direction.

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