Originally Posted by Scottw
Been through this David, our contractor told us in September of 2007 that our house would be ready in 16 weeks. He is coming back next week to finish the final touch ups, two years and $153,000 later.
Don't spook the reindeer!
Sorry to hear about your situation. As someone who works with contractors everyday, let me assure you. There are good ones out there. Unfortunately, they don't advertise because the word of mouth business they generate keeps them busy (for the most part).
I wish I had advice for you, but the best thing I can probably say is: Deep breaths and stand your ground. It's your home and you get to say when it's right/done. (That is of course assuming all your requests are within the realm of possibility.)
Of course, I also deal with homeowners and can tell you some horror stories about those guys too.
Best of luck, my friend. Stay cool. This too shall pass.