Originally Posted by St. Lou Stu
This place is full of support. 
Disclaimer: I have no dog in this fight, as someone else said. I did get some emails from Dan re: a trading email list that he was trying to set up, but I ignored them because I wasn't interested.
Re: the part that I quoted from St. Lou Stu:
I agree that this place is one of the most supportive places I've seen online. In fact, I was going to post something to the effect of "does anyone live near Dan that could stop by and check on him, maybe do him the favor of dropping stuff off at the post office?"
(Assuming the DC numbers are legit and the stuff really is packed up and ready to go) That was when I was still in the
"I want to give Dan the benefit of the doubt" mode and before I'd read too many bad stories about him.
I have had my own physical and pain-related issues for the last year or so, and at times the pain has been debilitating, to the point where I couldn't leave my bed, let alone the apartment. I had all these grand plans for the summer, as far as cleaning up the apartment and such ... what did I do? Not a damn thing. I mostly stayed in bed writhing in pain that has thankfully been alleviated by my latest surgery. So I definitely have sympathy for someone who's having a medical issue, even if it is mental rather than physical. (Not to discount the fact that depression does have physical effects)
Maybe he's a scammer, maybe he's just irresponsible, maybe he's a liar. Probably a little combination of all 3. I don't think any of us will ever know the 100% truth.
All I know is that I am grateful for the support, advice, and kindness that I have received from many members on here regarding my job loss and health issues. For more on that, see my "Update on Tenor CS's health" thread.
Good night, Cigar Asylum.