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Old 07-28-2009, 03:12 PM   #6
Smokin Gator
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Default Re: ABT Recipe (BACON!)

I make them a lot and they are always a hit.

I usually only use cream cheese for the stuffing, but have put all kinds of things in there. Two favorites are chopped little smokie sausages and chopped cooked shrimp.

I also use the whole jap. I cut of the stem end and clean out the seed/veins with a vegetable peeler.

Two more tips... wear gloves. The more of these you do the more sensitive it seems you will become. Now if I don't wear gloves by hand swell and get really stiff. Another is to use thin sliced bacon and kind of stretch it as you put it on. It will get much crispier that way

Here are some I made over the 4th of July:
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