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Old 07-28-2009, 03:52 AM   #21
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Pete Rose, 20 years later...HOF or not?

I said no. The fact that "others" have done the same/worse things is not a defense or excuse. He was well beyond the age of knowing what is right and wrong. He chose to break the rules, got caught, and got a punishment. I'd have some respect for him if he cowboy'ed up, went public, said he did it and accepted the punishment like a man.

I'm pretty much a black and white type person. Not saying I don't do wrong but when I do I take what ever comes. Nobody forces me to do "bad" things, momma didn't beat me, I didn't grow up in a "depressed" area, etc. A little personal responsibility and courage would go a long ways in today's society. If he really wants to be a "hero" or an example" - go on tour, tell the kids he screwed up, show respect and responsibility to the game and rules. That being a thug or rule breaker does have consequences.
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