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Old 07-26-2009, 08:21 PM   #182
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Default Re: The Under $20 A Bottle Wine Thread:

I'm drinking a glass of Meridian Pinot Noir right now. It was at Nob Hill for only $5.55.
It is an Italian wine imported through Napa, CA. It tastes like it was made in an Italian style. It is lighter bodied than most of the pinots I'm used to but reminds me of other Italian wines I've had. A winemaker once told my that pinot is a light bodied grape anyway. This Meridian wine has no bad characteristics to me. I think it would be better slightly chilled, even, because it is refreshing already. For $5.55 it is a great deal. It would be better if it had a more concentrated fruit flavor, but I have plenty of wines like that, none that cost less than $15, much less $5.55!
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