Thread: True Blood
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Old 07-20-2009, 09:39 AM   #73
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Default Re: True Blood

Originally Posted by Wolfgang View Post
Twilight's basic plot was stolen from this series. Trueblood the show and "The Sookie Stackhouse" series in books.
TBH, the basic premise behind this series as well as twilight, and countless other vampire stores is very, very old. Bram Stoker is probably the best known, with the male vampire/female human story.

More recently, the vampire likes to hold off on actually killing the human, makes for a longer possible story with more dramatic tension. Joss Whedon did it well with Buffy/Angel(97-00), as did Tanya Huff with the Blood Books(first one in 91). The Southern Vampire books were published starting in 2001, so both of these, as well as countless others, I am sure, were already out. Twilight - the first book - was published in 2006.

Basically, what I am getting at is that the story is not a new one. Some people are just much better at telling it than others. Stephanie Meyer is a complete hack.
Formerly Malik23
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