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Old 07-18-2009, 10:02 AM   #15
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Default Re: Cuban Crafters online ordering.

Originally Posted by CubbiesFan4Life View Post
This is actually my 3rd deployment, and average mail delivery is 7 to 10 days. I would not be posting except 2 shipments from CI placed on the same day made it 7 days earlier. Also the fact that Cuban Crafters could not give me a status on the deliver and had poor customer service. Please if you have nothing constructive to post leave your opinions to yourself, thank you.
I was being nice.

I've logged 86 months deployment time and over 20 years on Active Duty. So lose the attitude.

The fact that you ordered THREE different shipments on the 6th - yet you say...

I'm tired of keeping my personal stash in someone elses box.
Shows where your priorities are at.

Storage is your PRIMARY concern over there. #1. Ambient Humidity is at best 11% - 14% and WOODEN HUMIDORS are USELESS.

Cuban Crafters CANNOT give you status on the shipment because they can only track until they turn over to the APO. Then it's all on the MILITARY POSTAL SYSTEM.

We won't mention that mail backlogs in Germany and in Bagram until they have a FULL load to deliver, because you obviously have learned that in your two previous deployments.

You want them to track all the way to you?? Pay the extra money for CERTIFIED tracking and SEE how long THAT takes.

As I said, i was being nice.

Your comment here....

I finally had to stay up late into the night when the store in the states would be open to talk to someone.
Let me break this down to the fellow members here...

Afghanistan is currently 9 1/2 hours ahead of the East Coast.

9AM here (0900) is the ""late into the night"" hours of......6:30PM (1830)....which is Chow time...Dinner.

Being that you are currently posting right now, that means it's about 20 minutes to 10PM over there...another LATE night???

My apologies to the team of 11 for having to tell a Service Member to quit whining.

Last edited by tobii3; 07-18-2009 at 10:11 AM.
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