Thread: Ask The Rabbi!!
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Old 07-17-2009, 08:35 AM   #355
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Default Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by TomHagen View Post
The Jewish faith forbids intermarriage in all its forms.

Being born to a Jewish mother, who was in turn, born to a Jewish mother etc. etc., is what qualifies a person as "Jewish".
Children born to a Jewish mother, no matter who the father is, are in fact - Jewish. There is nothing that can change this. Coversely, children born to a non-Jewish mother, no matter who the father is, are in fact, NON-Jews. The only thing they can do to become Jewish is convert according to Jewish Law.
Moniker's such as "reform", "conservative", "orthodox" etc. really have no bearing on a person's "Jewish-ness".

Here is a great website:

I hope this helps!
Hey there Tom - I know that's the 'technical' requirement but I fear it leads to misrepresentation to non-Jews and possible promotion of xenophobia for fellow Jews. While it is a technicality, I think DougBushBC should know (and maybe does) that Judaism is a beautiful religion that doesn't impose restrictions. I feel (and I'm sure others do too) that you're Jewish if you want to be Jewish. I feel that it's an individual's choice to choose and shouldn't be restricted to thinking that it's not possible or you're somehow inferior because one's mother isn't Jewish. Obviously, you can convert but still, the above technicality may lead someone to think they're somehow inferior and I don't think that's healthy nor do I think it's the intent of Jewish law. I've met plenty of very religioius Jews whose mothers weren't Jewish. I don't feel that they must convert and I certainly don't feel they're any less Jewish and I guess that's really what I'm getting at. I just don't want folks to get the wrong idea, you know? And I don't want Jews with Jewish mothers to somehow think we're any better than those without truly Jewish mothers or promote to non-Jews that's how we feel. And I don't want Doug to think that his gal's family will shun him and her for possibly marrying and God forbid their marrying be some kind of terrible sin. I'm very grateful that my family welcomed mrsreindeer with open arms and I feel I'm a good person and a good Jew. But that's just me.

Just my two cents.

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