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Old 07-16-2009, 06:24 PM   #511
Chutney Lovebusciut
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Default Re: Official MMA Thread

Originally Posted by LordOfWu
but is shows incredibly poor sportsmanship, and a complete lack of respect for his opponent, the organization and the fans (or at least some of them).
In your opinion. Besides he has been saying since he lost that he has no respect for Mir. And I'm sure Dana was doing cartwheels about all this because it's the first time that the UFC was a major story on ESPN and other outlets for 4-5 days after the event. (they never mentioned Brocks antics after the fight either) There is no such thing as bad publicity. Hell, we're still talking about it.

If anybody hates him, they are feeding right out of his and Dana's hands. That's exactly the way they want you to feel. More people will buy the ppv's just to root against him. Every sport needs a good villain.

The most "classless", if you want to label somebody that, person in UFC history is Dana White. Read his interviews and he calls out other organizations and labels them losers all the time using the F bomb liberally. It gets him noticed and that's what it is all about.

And don't even talk about class and Rampage.

First, the running from the cops thing and now this:

Traina: Has he apologized since then?
Nichols: No, not at all. He was very, very pleased with himself.
The path to loyalty is trust.

Last edited by NCRadioMan; 07-16-2009 at 06:34 PM.
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