Originally Posted by Cigargal
Joan has one and loves it...pm her.
Funny you should say that... I left the kindle at home while traveling last week and brought along instead the wee iTouch I bought off Shilala.
For laying in bed at home with a book, I prefer the kindle. But for reading in the Girl Cave, garage, ladies room, on the plane, in the car, hotel room... I much prefer the iTouch running the kindle app. Smaller, lighter, quieter (no page turn button clicks) than the kindle, AND is stupid fast at checking email!
Kindle apps I use on the iTouch are much easier to access and change than on the kindle itself, from something simple like font size adjustment to shopping new books.
Kindle pwns the iTouch for battery life and the bigger screen, and Whispernet is available where wifi is not (at least in Seattle) but... remember Kindle has no backlight power drain, and checking email or shopping books over their proprietary Whispernet is an agonizingly slow process. Part of that is the processor limitation, but still it is quite frustrating.
Amazon will also only transfer to kindle format those books they sell or from publishers with whom they have agreements. They won't kindleize some of my old favorites available for free.
I'd send you the kindle to try out but I already passed it on to someone, dang it, however, imho you aren't missing a lot over an iphone/itouch.
Hope my two cents helps!