Thread: Ask The Rabbi!!
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Old 07-16-2009, 12:44 PM   #351
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Default Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by DougBushBC View Post
Rabbi, I'm Roman Catholic and my Girlfriend is Reform Jewish. How does the Jewish Faith view such an interfaith marriage when we start heading that way?
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The Jewish faith forbids intermarriage in all its forms.

Being born to a Jewish mother, who was in turn, born to a Jewish mother etc. etc., is what qualifies a person as "Jewish".
Children born to a Jewish mother, no matter who the father is, are in fact - Jewish. There is nothing that can change this. Coversely, children born to a non-Jewish mother, no matter who the father is, are in fact, NON-Jews. The only thing they can do to become Jewish is convert according to Jewish Law.
Moniker's such as "reform", "conservative", "orthodox" etc. really have no bearing on a person's "Jewish-ness".

Here is a great website:

I hope this helps!
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