Thread: Ask The Rabbi!!
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Old 07-16-2009, 09:55 AM   #347
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Default Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by jjirons69 View Post
Thanks for the info, Rabbi. Good stuff here.

Two questions:
Good ones.
1. Now, the Jewish belief is our body is not our own to desecrate. No tatoos, etc. So why is it that circumcision is not viewed as such? The body is being altered. Also, wouldn't smoking and drinking, ways to potentially harm or change the body, be viewed in the same light.
Firstly, you are right about tatoos for Jews. But there is no connection with circumcision. Circumcision is a Commandment for the Jewish people given by G-d Himself to Avraham as an everlasting covenant called a Bris. One is a person's haphazzard decision, vs. G-d's Commandment (Mitzvah). Drinking and smoking in excess are forbidden, for they definitely do damage to a person's body AND health (whereas I don't know that there is a health risk with tatoos). Drinking and smoking moderately can have positive health and mental benefits and drinking for sacramental purposes or a farbrengen in Judaism is a Mitzvah, a positive act.
2. A few months ago I saw mom, dad, and son at Costco. Dad was late 50s, son, probably 16-18. Both were wearing kippahs. Probably a lot of Jewish folks in Charleston, but I've never seen them wearing the tradition hat. Think they just came from a pary, celebration, or something else? I guess some people wear them all the time, but in the deep South, it's kind of rare.
That's pretty cool. There has been a small ''exodus'' to the Carolinas by Jewish people. I would assume they were Chabad (like me) emissaries who set up grass-roots all-inclusive Jewish org. and communities to assist those with little prior-knowledge/observance. Chabad is the one form of orthodox Jewry that interfaces with the outside world while remainin true to the highest standards of Jewish Law and Mysticism. Did the dad have a beard? If yes, definitely Chabad. If no, possible Modern Orthodox.
There are 2 congregations in Charleston (that I could find) that are possibly where they belong to:
Brith Sholom Beth Israel (BSBI)
182 Rutledge Ave.
Charleston, SC 29403
Phone: 843-577-6599
Fax: 843-577-6699
BSBI is an Orthodox Shul located in the Medical district of Charleston, S.C. We are convenient to several quality hotels that are willing to assist with Shabbos observance. The BSBI Sisterhood Gift Shop is located in the BSBI Shul...more
Chabad of the Lowcountry
51 Vincent Dr,
Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 USA
Phone: 843-884-2323
Chabad of Charleston and The Low Country is dedicated to serving all Jews throughout Charleston and The Low Country area with Ahavat Yisrael –unconditional love and concern for every Jew, regardless of background and affiliation. We aim to...more
ps I can be found in Costco way too often!

Good stuff!
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