Originally Posted by Ken
People have hated Lesnar since he walked into the UFC with only 1 fight under his belt, lost 1, won 1, and they feel he was given a free ticket to a title match. Though, he took the title and just demolished a "highly" skilled BJ guy to defend his title and avenge his 1st UFC loss.
I'm just happy to see not everyone has to freakin' hug after the fight. 
Exactly Ken. You go in there to war and to beat the chit outta the other guy. Screw the other guy no matter who it is. Specially with all the crap Mir was talking. It's a fight not a ballet. Why would anyone wanna hug the guy that just tried to put his fist thru your face?? Someone mentioned earlier About Ali talking crap in boxing and he is the greatest boxer of all time. Or say a Floyd Mayweather Jr. Heck Tyson wanted to eat Lennox's children lol. If you can back it up it ain't talking crap it's the truth.
Originally Posted by goalie204
I didn't hate lesner until after he was an ass after his match with herring, after his match with mir. ya he's strong, he's also what, 40 lbs heavier than mir, laying on him with his football field of a chest? Some skill, some lying there. Screw lesnar, piece of ****.
So you don't like him cause he roped the cowboy after the fight. But you like Silva who dances after a win. What's the difference??? Then you complain about Lesnar being 40lbs bigger. He made weight didn't he?? Size doesn't always mean everything look at Royce in his prime he schooled many men larger than he is. Fedor beats men bigger than he is too. And if you question his skill then that is a joke he has World Class wrestling skills. Like Zakk Wylde says, "Ain't it funny what the color green will make people do." Admit it Goalie you got a man crush on Brock.