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Old 07-13-2009, 05:06 PM   #1
Saddle Maker And Cowboy
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stitch is just really nicestitch is just really nicestitch is just really nicestitch is just really nice
Default Finally a REAL Cowboy Herf!

I spent yesterday up at the Diamond K ranch, we had a bit of a memorial gathering for our friend skip, Skip's son Loy owns the Diamond K.
We had a fire, Food and we toasted Skip a LOT!
Well I took a bunch of decent cigars with me and that surly bunch Swisher and Tampa Nugget chewin' cowpokes actually all sat around SMOKING good cigars in Skip's honor, ... It was a good time! ...Sory no pic's.
Tonight I'll be up at the lodge in greer for a Bourbon Tasting!
No smoking though
Cowboy Wisdom: Ifin' ya get to thinkin yourself a might bit important, Try tellin someone else's dog what to do.
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